To help conserve local water resources and prevent pollution, we are investing in technologies and processes to save water and treat wastewater effectively. This includes water-saving manufacturing lines, dyeing material, and installing chemical recovery and water treatment units.

In Yarn Dyeing process, we have acheived a tremendous reduction in liquor ratio from 1:12 to 1:2.5 through process optimization techniques for reduction in water consumption

Liquor ratio in Space Dyeing process has dropped from 1:4 to 1:2

Most updated technology “Magic Rain Water, Less Yarn Dyeing” is adopted in Yarn Dyeing Department


Reduction of water consumption with use of pigment dyeing. Also reducing the process route of Tencel/Loyocell fiber for Dyeing program


Cubic meters of water saved annually by replacing cooling tower with radiator for engine cooling

Effluent Treatment Project

The overall objective of the Effluent Treatment Project is to enable the textile wet processing effluent to comply with national and international environment legislation and standards and preserve water resources and ecological marine lives. It enables us to ensure that highest standards of quality and cleanliness are passed on to the community and environment. Our Effluent Treatment technology comprises physiochemical and biological treatment having total capacity of 5,000 m3/day, with 20% buffer capacity and backup of major equipment ; in emergency situations we have alternative equipment for operation. We have developmed in-house testing with most advanced equipment in order to monitor our effluent treatment scheme continuously. Effluent water analysis through an external laboratory is being carried out on a monthly basis. Our Sludge is being collected by Govt. licensed party for incineration.

Ibrahim Textile Industries